Program Development

My spir­i­tu­al path start­ed with my emi­gra­tion to the USA. There I was intro­duced to yoga and med­i­ta­tion for the first time. I took up Hatha Yoga, attend­ed var­i­ous class­es and prac­ticed almost every day. After dis­cov­er­ing Parama­hansa Yoganan­da I stayed for retreats in Encen­i­tas Cal­i­for­nia where I was taught some new exer­cis­es. Upon return­ing to Aus­tria I start­ed train­ing in Kine­si­ol­o­gy in Graz, Aus­tria. The new knowl­edge helped me keep my chil­dren and myself healthy for years to come.

Since I had gone back to my for­mer job as a teacher I decid­ed to do some of the exer­cis­es with my stu­dents in ele­men­tary school. Every morn­ing we spend the first ten to fif­teen min­utes to go through a pro­gram that I had designed espe­cial­ly for them and which enabled them to not only feel good about them­selves but also jump start­ed their mind. Test results and love of learn­ing soared to new heights. Par­ents request­ed to get to know the exer­cis­es as well and prac­ticed them togeth­er with their chil­dren at home.

After being trans­ferred from ele­men­tary to sec­ondary school I end­ed up in a sit­u­a­tion that was tough. In order to sur­vive this new teach­ing sit­u­a­tion I prac­ticed var­i­ous exer­cis­es and med­i­tat­ed every morn­ing. Years lat­er dur­ing my stud­ies in the Unit­ed States I dis­cov­ered Falun Dafa exer­cis­es (Falun Gong) which I taught myself with pic­tures from the web. After a year I met a group in Mainz, Ger­many and was able to learn some more details and the phi­los­o­phy behind it.

About two years ago after some tur­moil in my rela­tion­ship left me feel­ing pow­er­less and far from con­tent which prompt­ed my health to dete­ri­o­rate. I turned to the web for help and got some online train­ing in QiGong. It took me a while to learn the exer­cis­es. Grad­u­al­ly I start­ed to put togeth­er a pro­gram that com­bined the new exer­cis­es with many of the things that I had learned through­out my life. Faith­ful­ly prac­tic­ing it every day I had to change things again and again until I was sat­is­fied with my new creation.

My youngest son after see­ing my new­ly devel­oped pro­gram told me that I had done what Bruce Lee many years ago did. He took the view that tra­di­tion­al mar­tial art tech­niques were too rigid and for­mal­is­tic to be prac­ti­cal. Lee decid­ed to devel­op a sys­tem with an empha­sis on prac­ti­ca­bil­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty, speed and effi­cien­cy. Lee empha­sized what he called “The Style of no Style”. I remem­bered that once when research­ing Tai Chi on the web I dis­cov­ered a branch of Tai Chi that called itself the no style.

My new and unique pro­gram ulti­mate­ly is not a mat­ter of pet­ty rigid tech­niques but of high­ly devel­oped spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and physique. Learn the exer­cis­es, lis­ten to your body and feel your way into maybe doing things dif­fer­ent­ly or incor­po­rat­ing oth­er move­ments that feel good to your body. Remem­ber that there are no good or bad exer­cis­es; your per­for­mance of them is either good, bet­ter or best. The only author­i­ty in regard to your vital­i­ty and health is your own body. It will tell you what is good for you. Do not for­get that thoughts cre­ate your real­i­ty; learn to trust your own feel­ings and lis­ten to your body.

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