
Ener­gy Con­nec­tion offers an easy to learn pro­gram for acti­vat­ing your ener­gy by using knowl­edge and wis­dom of east­ern tra­di­tions. The pro­gram con­sists of 3 parts with move­ments from QiGong, TaiChi, Yoga, Falun Gong and Kine­si­ol­o­gy woven into a holis­tic for­mat which acti­vates and enhances our body’s ener­gy, cre­ates a bet­ter flow and har­mo­nizes it.


Slow and unin­hib­it­ed flow of Qi in our body strength­ens the immune sys­tem, bal­ances emo­tions, decreas­es feel­ings of stress and inner rest­less­ness and cre­ates har­mo­ny and flex­i­bil­i­ty in body and mind. Because of this we expe­ri­ence clear­er more focused aware­ness which in turn opens the gate­way to intu­ition and creativity.


Move­ments like this not only enhance your body’s ener­gy but at the same time your mind’s. There­fore it is per­fect for stressed employ­ees, world trav­el­ers, seniors who want to stay healthy, and for all peo­ple who strive for joie de vivre and men­tal clarity.


Detail from the ener­gy exer­cise program:

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