Program Overview

The pro­gram con­sists of 3 parts. Part 1 has the focus to acti­vate most acu­pres­sure points and merid­i­ans (there is no graph­ic because you can eas­i­ly find that on the web) and ends with some of the most impor­tant exer­cis­es from QiGong and Tai Chi.


The exer­cis­es in Part 2 are grouped in threes with the same focus. This way it is eas­i­er to remem­ber the sequence. After each group of three we hold the hands about 2 inch­es apart over the navel. Wpmen have the left hand on the out­side, men the right one. This anchors the new ener­gy in our body. After a short while the hands go down and form a cir­cle. Palms face upward and rest above each oth­er. The hands form the Dhyana Mudra which rep­re­sents the spir­i­tu­al pow­er of the fire which trans­forms all impu­ri­ties. It is a calm­ing ges­ture of med­i­ta­tion that forms the per­fect bal­ance between body, mind and soul and is at the same time also a sym­bol for peace and inner strength.

Part 3 shows slow med­i­ta­tive move­ments which decrease stress and calm and har­mo­nize the ener­gy field at the end of the day. They bring your focus back to your­self and help you relax and unwind.



We stand com­plete­ly relaxed with legs apart. Knees are always slight­ly bent as are the arms. Fin­gers slight­ly spread but relaxed. This pos­ture enhances the flow of ener­gy. Stretched arms and legs block the flow. The pelvis con­trols move­ment and is the basis for vital ener­gy. The spine is the ener­gy generator.

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