Program Basics

Ener­gy is the basis for a ful­filled life. It pro­vides body and mind with strength, con­nects us to our soul and helps us cre­ate joy, love, and har­mo­ny in life. Our body is an amaz­ing tool that enables us to sup­port its self-heal­ing pow­ers with exer­cise, breath­ing and healthy nutri­tion. Tai Chi tells us that if there is har­mo­ny in our move­ments there is also har­mo­ny in our mind.

Common benefit

The smooth flow of Chi through­out our body strength­ens our immune sys­tem, teach­es inter­nal relax­ation and coor­di­nates body, mind, breath, and ener­gy flow. The exer­cis­es help us to detox­i­fy the body, improve blood cir­cu­la­tion, release block­ages, increase ener­gy, restore vital­i­ty, and there­fore pro­mote longevi­ty and our gen­er­al well-being. At the same time we are able to bal­ance our emo­tions, clear aware­ness and redis­cov­er our intu­ition and cre­ativ­i­ty. Part 1 and 2 for the morn­ing are geared towards strength­en­ing and har­mo­niz­ing the ener­gy in our body. Part 3 for the evening will bal­ance us and help to relax and calm down.


As impor­tant as the smooth, slow and har­mo­nious move­ments is breath­ing. Breath­ing lets us feel alive. Exter­nal ener­gy becomes inter­nal ener­gy. Be atten­tive with your breath­ing because it con­nects – as with­out so with­in. If the move­ment is extend­ing parts of your body breathe in, if it con­tracts breathe out. This enables you to keep a slow pace. After you learned the exer­cis­es and know the sequence you might want to close your eyes because it keeps your atten­tion focused on how your body feels.

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